Info-paedia : Waterspouts: Tornado-Like Vortices Over Water

Waterspouts: Tornado-Like Vortices Over Water

Context –

  • A magnificent golden waterspout was recently filmed on the Kama River in Russia’s Perm region.


  • Waterspouts are tornado-like rotating columns of air that form over the sea.
  • They have a five-part life cycle, starting with a dark spot on the water surface and ending in decay.


  • Funnel Cloud: Visible funnel-shaped cloud extending downward from a parent cloud or thunderstorm base.
  • Water Connection: Connected to the water's surface, drawing water or spray into the vortex.
  • Duration: Short-lived, lasting from minutes to an hour.
  • Size: Smaller than tornadoes, with diameters ranging from tens to a few hundred meters.


1. Tornadic Waterspouts:

  • Form over water or move from land to water.
  • Share characteristics with land tornadoes.
  • Associated with severe thunderstorms, high winds, large hail, and dangerous lightning.

2. Fair-Weather Waterspouts:

  • Form along the dark flat base of cumulus clouds.
  • Not associated with thunderstorms.
  • Develop on the water's surface and move upwards.
  • Form in light wind conditions and move little.