Info-paedia : The Marine National Parks of India

Info-paedia : The Marine National Parks of India


  • India’s six marine national parks are home to some of the rarest aquatic species in the world.

What are Marine National Parks?

  • A marine park is a protected sea or a lake area which consists of many species of marine life. Such marine parks are usually found in the coastal areas.

Key Highlights:

  • India’s six marine national parks lie along the country’s 7,517km coastline: Two are on the west coast (Marine National Park, Gujarat, and Malvan Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra) and the rest are on the east.
  • These are the protected reserves and are the breeding grounds of several aquatic animals.
  • The Department of Environment and Science (DES) manages state marine parks as a multi-use marine protected area.
  • The management of marine national parks typically involves regulating human activities that may harm the environment, such as fishing, boating, tourism and others activities.


  • Apart from these six, where tourist activity is concentrated, there are over 135 marine protected areas (MPAs) - 24 off the mainland and over a hundred spread across islands.
  • India has no separate legislation for the protection of marine areas; these are governed under the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972.
  • There is no clear definition of a marine park/sanctuary, except that the government wants to encourage regulated tourist activity in these ecologically valuable areas. 

Do You Know?

  • India got its first terrestrial national park in 1936, it was only in 1980 that the Marine National Park in Gujarat, the first of its kind, came into being. The others were created between 1983-97 - the last one was Gahirmatha, in 1997 .