Info-paedia : Right to Information (RTI) Act

Info-paedia : Right to Information (RTI) Act

Why in News?

  • A report by Satark Nagrik Sangathan shows that nearly 3.15 lakh complaints and appeals are pending with 26 Information Commissions across India.


  • The backlog of appeals/ complaints is increasing every year.
  • Maximum pending cases in Maharashtra(~99700) followed by U.P.
  • Central Information Commission itself has 26,724 pending cases.
  • 42 positions out of 165 of Information Commissioners are vacant.


  • Limited ambit of RTI.
  • Threats to whistleblowers.
  • Long waiting time for disposal.
  • No punishment to errant officials.


  • Few Information Commissions are largely defunct.
  • Dearth of Chief Information Commissioners.
  • Inadequate representation of women (5% of total).
  • Large vacancies and understaffed commissions.

Way Ahead

  • Enhance human resources.
  • Focus on speedy disposal.
  • Protection of whistleblowers.
  • Leverage digitalization.