Info-paedia : Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC)

Info-paedia : Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC)

Why in News?

  • Recently, ISRO Chairman announced that the ISRO is working on improvements to make NavIC more user friendly and give it a global reach.


  • NavIC or Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), is a constellation of 7 satellites.
  • An independent stand-alone navigation satellite system (total 8) developed by the ISRO.
  • It covers India and a region extending up to 1,500 km beyond the Indian mainland.
  • It was approved in 2006 and became operational in 2018.

Comparing with the GPS

  • GPS caters to users across the globe & its satellites circle the earth twice a day.
  • Three more navigation systems that have global coverage-
  • Galileo from the European Union.
  • Russia's GLONASS.
  • China’s Beidou.
  • Japan's QZSS covers Asia-Oceania region, with a focus on Japan.


  • Limited use applications such as public vehicle tracking.
  • Providing emergency warning alerts to fishermen.
  • Tracking and information dissemination related to natural disasters.


  • Lack of civilian navigational use because mobile phones are not compatible to process its signals.
  • Adding the L1 band (part of the GPS and responsible for civilian navigational use) is a challenge.
  • Lack of Long Code (responsible for strategic navigation).
  • Need to place more satellites in constellation to widen the reach.