Info-paedia : Multi Poverty Index (MPI) Progress Report 2023

Info-paedia : Multi Poverty Index (MPI) Progress Report 2023
  • Steep decline in Poverty Headcount Ratio from 24.85% (2015-16) to 14.96%(2019-21)
  • 135 million (13.5 crore) people exited multidimensional poverty between 2015-16 and 2019-21
  • India on track to achieve SDG Target 1.2 (reducing multi-dimensional poverty by at least half) much ahead of 2030
  • All 12 indicators have shown improvement suggesting that impact of Government interventions is increasingly visible on ground
  • Fastest decline in percentage of multidimensional poor in rural areas from 32.59% (2015-16) to 19.28% (2019-21)
  • Reduction in the incidence of poverty in urban areas 8.65% (2015-16) to 5.27% (2019-21)
  • The Intensity of poverty, which measures the average deprivation among the people living in multidimensional poverty improved from about 47.14% (2015-16) to 44.39% (2019-21)
  • UP, Bihar, MP, Odisha and Rajasthan recorded steepest decline in number of MPI poor
  • Improvement in nutrition, years of schooling, sanitation, and cooking fuel played a significant role in reducing the MPI value