Info-paedia : Millets: The Superfood

Why in News?

  • Series of events are being held across the nation showcasing benefits of millets and raising awareness ever since the UN has declared 2023 as the ‘International Year of Millets (IYOM)'.

About Millets

  • Group of small-seeded grasses (Poaceae or grass family).
  • Coarse grains; rich in fiber, protein, key vitamins & minerals.
  • Earliest millet cultivation traces to Harappan Civilisation.
  • Significance:
    • Gluten free, non-allergenic and 3-5X more nutritious than wheat/rice.
    • Protection against cardiovascular & diabetic issues.
    • Resilient to climate change and drought tolerant.

Status of Millets in India

  • Largest millet producer in the world.
  • 20% world share and 80% share in Asia.
  • 3 major crops: Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl Millet (Bajra), Finger Millet(Ragi).
  • Rajasthan (1st), Karnataka & Maharashtra top 3 producers.
  • Government measures-
    • Millet Startup Innovation Challenge.
    • Millets as ‘Nutri Cereals’ by the Agri Ministry in 2018.
    • ‘India’s Wealth, Millets for Health’.
    • Focus on 212 millet districts in 14 states under NFSM.


  • 20°C-30°C temperature for germination.
  • Annual rainfall of ~30-50 cm; sensitive to frost.
  • Planted as Kharif crops / Catch crops.
  • Water efficient; well grown in low moisture areas.
  • Soils: -
    • Highly adaptable to extremely poor to very fertile, and various alkaline soils.
    • Alluvial, loamy, and sandy soils with good drainage are ideal.