Info-paedia : MATSYA 6000

Why in News?

  • Recently the government revealed that as a part of Samudrayaan mission, a self-propelled manned submersible (MATSYA 6000) will carry 3 persons to a depth of 6000 meters for exploration of deep-sea resources.

Key Highlights:

  • MATSYA 6000 is being developed by National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai.
  • It has an endurance of 12 hours (normal operation) and 96 hours (in case of emergency).
  • It will facilitate direct observation and collection of samples by humans at large depths.
  • It is being developed under Deep Ocean Mission (DOM) announced in 2021.
  • Other Benefits– underwater engineering innovations in asset inspection, tourism and promotion of ocean literacy.

Deep Ocean Mission

  • DOM (MoES as nodal ministry) was approved in 2021 and will be implemented over a period of 5 years.
  • Estimated cost of the DOM is ₹ 4077 crores for 2021-26.
  • DOM aims to explore the deep ocean for resources and develop deep sea technologies for sustainable use of ocean resources.
  • It will be a mission mode project to support Blue Economy initiatives.
    • Blue economy size in India is about 4% of the GDP.
  • 6 Major components of DOM-
    • Development of Technologies for Deep Sea Mining, and Manned Submersible.
    • Development of Ocean Climate Change Advisory Services.
    • Technological innovations for exploration and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity.
    • Advanced Marine Station for Ocean Biology.
    • Deep Ocean Survey and Exploration.
    • Energy and freshwater from Ocean.