Info-paedia : Graphene and Its Potential

Info-paedia : Graphene and Its Potential


  • Graphene was discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics for this in 2010.


  • Graphene is the world's thinnest, strongest, and most conductive material. It has numerous applications in electricity, conductivity, energy generation, batteries, sensors, aerospace, defense, and more.

Global Market:

  • The global graphene market was valued at $175.9 million in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 46.6% between 2023 and 2030 (according to Grand View Research).

Leading Countries in Graphene Research

  • China, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, South Korea, Russia, and Singapore are among the leading countries in graphene research. India had a relatively smaller number of patent filings compared to these countries.

Commercial Production of Graphene

  • China and Brazil are global leaders in commercial graphene production. India's production volume is significantly lower than that of China and Brazil.

Progress in India

  • India has made progress in graphene research and innovation, with notable achievements in niche areas. Some research institutions and start-ups are working on graphene-based applications.

Need for Accelerated Progress

  • India needs to accelerate its progress in graphene to become a leader in the field. Governments play a crucial role, and a national graphene mission could be beneficial.

Missed Opportunities:

  • India missed the opportunity to become a leader in semiconductors in the mid-1990s. To avoid a similar situation, it is crucial for India to focus on graphene and not miss the potential benefits it offers.

Application of Graphene

  • Biological Engineering
  • Optical Electronics
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Composite Materials
  • Photovoltaic Cells
  • Energy Storage