Info-paedia : G20 Countries and Disaster Risk Reduction

G20 Countries and Disaster Risk Reduction

Context –

  • Recently, the G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG) meeting under India’s G20 Presidency took place.

Role of G-20

  • India has highlighted the importance of disaster risk reduction by initiating a new work stream in G20.
  • The midterm review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 mentions the importance of G20's efforts in the implementation of the Sendai Framework.

The five priorities outlined in the meeting of the working group were:

  • Coverage of early warning systems to all,
  • Focus on disaster and climate-resilient infrastructure,
  • Improving financing frameworks for national disaster risk reduction,
  • Improving systems and capabilities for response to disasters and
  • Application of ecosystem-based approaches to disaster risk.

Disaster Risk Reduction Measure

  • Disaster risk reduction measures can play an important role in preventing losses.
  • Reducing risk can be achieved by better economic and urban development, protection of the environment, reduction of poverty and inequality, etc.
  • Setting up early warning systems, undertaking periodic risk assessments, constructing disaster-resilient infrastructure, etc., are important strategies.

Way Forward

  • Access to early warning systems should be treated as global public goods.
  • The UN Secretary General's initiative on early warning for all should be the guiding principle.
  • We must view disaster risk reduction as a multi-tiered, multi-sectorial effort.
  • Bringing convergence of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation efforts.