Info-paedia : G20 Bali Summit

Info-paedia : G20 Bali Summit

Why in News?

  • Recently, the 17th annual summit of G-20 under the theme ‘Recover Together, Recover Stronger’ concluded with Indonesia handing over the G20 presidency to India for the year 2023.

Bali Joint Declaration

  • Promised to take coordinated action to address food security challenges; applauded the Black Sea grains initiative.
  • Condemned the Ukraine war and stressed the need to uphold international law.
  • Reaffirmed commitment to close the gap in energy access and eradicate energy poverty.
  • Welcomed the establishment of the ‘Pandemic Fund’ Commitment to strengthen global health governance.
  • Welcomed Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework; Call for inclusionary, open, fair, and non-discriminatory digital economy.

About G20

  • G20 is a strategic multilateral platform aimed to secure global financial stability.
  • It consists of 19 countries and the EU; the world's major developed and emerging economies.
  • The G20 was formed in 1999 in the backdrop of the financial crisis of the late 1990s.
  • It does not have any permanent secretariat.
  • Its presidency is supported by the Troika – term used for previous, current and incoming presidency.