Info-paedia : Fire Risk & Safety

Info-paedia : Fire Risk & Safety


  • As per India Risk Surveys, India ranks 3rd in fire incidents.

Fire Risk in India

  • According to NCRB, a total of 18.450 cases of fire accidents were reported in India in 2015, with 1.193 persons: injured and 17,700 killed.
  • The majority of fire accidents were reported in Maharashtra, which accounted for 22% of all the fire incidents reported
  • The high number of casualties and material damage caused by fires is due to lax and inadequate safety provisions and response mechanisms

Resource Gap

  • According to the National Disaster Response Force Fire Cell, there is a shortage of 97.59% of fire stations, 96.28of % of firemen, and 80.04% of rescue vehicles.
  • Urban fire services are afflicted by severe deficiencies; 72.75% in fire stations, 78.79% in manpower, and 22.43% in firefighting and rescue vehicles.

Risk of Fire Accidents

  • Urbanized states in India are at high risk of fire accidents as most of its high-rises do not have adequate provisions to tackle fire disasters

Current Provision Regarding Fire Safety

  • 12th Schedule of the Constitution
  • National Building Code 2016
  • Model Building Bye Laws 2003
  • National Disaster Management Authority