Info-paedia : E-Waste Management Rules, 2022

Info-paedia : E-Waste Management Rules, 2022

Why in News?

  • Recently, the government notified E-waste (management) Rules, 2022 which will come into force from 1 April, 2023 and apply to every manufacturer, producer, refurbisher, dismantler and recycler of e-waste.

Key Provisions

  • Increased the number of items to 106 (Earlier 21) that come under e-waste category.
  • Compulsory registration under the Extended Producer Responsibility Framework.
    • Can store the e-waste for a period not exceeding 180 days.
    • Shall maintain a record of e-wastes.
  • Manufacturers make end product recyclable.
    • Products by different manufacturers need to be compatible with each other.
  • Reduce the use of hazardous substances like lead, mercury, cadmium among others in the manufacturing.
  • ‘Environmental compensation’ to be provided by the companies that don’t meet their target.
  • Central Pollution Control Board shall monitor and verify the compliance of reduction of hazardous substance.

About E-waste

  • Electronic-Waste is a term used to describe old, end-of- life or discarded electronic appliances.
    • E-waste is generated from components, consumables, parts and spares as well as manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes.
  • India is third-largest producer of e-waste after China and United States.
  • 95% of e-waste in India is recycled by the informal sector.
  • India’s first e-waste clinic has been set up in Bhopal, MP.


  • Inadequate regulation, enforcement and penal laws.
  • Poor Infrastructure for e- waste management.
  • Lack of awareness among various stakeholders.
  • Currently Recycling practices are environmentally unsustainable and dominated by informal sector.
  • No tracking and mismanagement of end of life products.