Info-paedia : Climate Risk & Early Warning System for Cyclone

Info-paedia : Climate Risk & Early Warning System for Cyclone

Context –

  • Recently Tropical cyclone Biparjoy made landfall in Gujarat.

The average number of Cyclones in Northern India Ocean

  • As per IMD data, on average five to six tropical cyclones form in the North Indian Ocean.

Potential Damage by Tropical Cyclone

  • Flooding of coastal areas, Erosion of beaches, Loss of Soil Fertility, Destruction of crops and Livestock, contamination of water, flooding in Inland areas, Fatality of humans and animals, damage to Structure, etc.

Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS)

  • Risk and climate information
  • Improved service delivery
  • Effective communication networks
  • Preparedness and response plans

Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative is improving early warning systems to protect the most vulnerable populations against hazards like tropical cyclones and floods in least-developed countries and small island developing states.

Cyclone Warning and Dissemination System of India

It has a 3-tier network with Cyclone Warning Division at Delhi, 3 Area Cyclone Warning Centres at Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata, and 4 Cyclone Warning Centres at Bhubaneswar, Visakhapatnam, and Ahmedabad & Thiruvananthapuram.