Info-paedia : 19th India ASEAN Summit

Info-paedia : 19th India ASEAN Summit

Why in News?

  • Recently, while commemorating 30 years of India-ASEAN Dialogue the two sides have declared 2022 as the year of INDIA-ASEAN friendship.

Key Highlights

  • The Summit was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • India-ASEAN ties elevated to comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP).
  • CSP will focus on specific areas: maritime security, Indo-Pacific, Cyber Security etc.
  • India announced additional outlay of $5 million for ASEAN-India Science and Technology Fund.
  • Expedited review of ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITGA).


  • Regional grouping that promotes economic, political and security cooperation.
  • Established in August 1967 through Bangkok Declaration (ASEAN Declaration)
  • 10 ASEAN countries are home to 650 million people and GDP of $ 2.8 trillion.

Areas of Cooperation

  • India has been formally engaging with ASEAN since 1992, first as a “Sectoral Dialogue Partner” and as a strategic partner since 2012.
  • Economic Cooperation:
    • ASEAN is India’s 4th largest trading partner and bilateral trade is worth $110 billion.
    • Signed AITGA, ASEAN-India Agreement for Trade in Services.
  • Defence Cooperation:
    • ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+), through forums like ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) etc.
    • First Ever ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise will be held in 2023.
  • Connectivity through India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and the Kaladan Multimodal Project etc.
  • Socio-cultural cooperation through Exchange of Parliamentarians, Training of ASEAN diplomats etc.