Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: Path to Peace in Ethiopia)

Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Current Affairs Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Topic: Path to Peace in Ethiopia

Path to Peace in Ethiopia

Why in News?

  • Ethiopia is in the grip of civil war due to military violence in its Tigray region.
  • The conflict in Tigray began in late 2020. When Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched an aggressive campaign to oust the ruling party of the province's Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). It is noteworthy that the Ethiopian government wants to take control of Tigray's capital Mekele.
  • Significantly, during an ethnic violence in Ethiopia in December 2020, at least 102 ordinary civilians were killed in an alleged massacre. The attack took place a day after Prime Minister Abi Ahmed traveled there. Only then did he allow the army to take action to deal with the rebels.

Key Points

  • Internal conflict in Ethiopia resulted in the deaths of 52,000 people and displacement of over 2 million, of which more than 60,000 people have taken refuge in Sudan's eastern border. This has led to the influx of military personnel from Sudanese and Eritrea along the northern frontier of Ethiopia.
  • Currently, Ethiopia is attempting to deal with its domestic emergency. At this stage, the challenge is to achieve a military conflict-free environment, address increased displacement, support basic needs for civilians in the face of the risk of famine, and intensify humanitarian aid in conflict-prone areas.
  • Cities in Northern Gondar Zone, such as Welkait, which have been under the control of TPLF forces for decades, will need social, economic revival support after the conflict.

TPLF: Background

  • TPLF was established in the year 1975 as a military organization. The TPLF is reportedly fighting against the dictatorial government of Ethiopia to protect the interests of the people living in the Tigray region.
  • Most people in Tigray are Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. Christians have been living here for 1,600 years. The predominant language here is Tigrinya. This is the Semitic dialect, which is spoken by at least 7 million people worldwide.
  • TPLF waged an armed struggle against the then military government of Ethiopia in the year 1991, which resulted in the removal of the military dictatorial government from power. It received huge support in Ethiopia only after this development.
  • TPLF leader Meles Zenawi took over as Interim President in 1991 and became the first elected Prime Minister in 1995. Meles Zenawi remained in power until 2012 and is largely seen as the architect of the country's ethno-federal system.

Horn of Africa

  • It is the easternmost extension of African land, including Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
  • It is noteworthy that all these countries are not only geographically identical but they also have cultural similarities.
  • Ethiopia is a landlocked country.

Way Forward

  • Peace-building, post-conflict reconstruction and transitional justice are not possible in this country without a clear framework. The civil war in Ethiopia affects the Horn of Africa region, which already has low-level conflicts, uneven economic development, border disputes, continued food insecurity, climate change, a precarious political situation and a dire refugee crisis.
  • Ethiopia's Tigray region needs both political and economic reforms to begin post-conflict reconstruction work. The country's humanitarian crisis gives rise to long-term concerns. In such a situation, it is very important for the United Nations and its partner organizations to have free, safe and unhindered access to Ethiopia to meet security and human needs.