Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: GI Tag)

What is geographical indication?

  • Geographical indication (GI) is a sign or a name given to a certain product that relates to a specific geographical location or origins like a town, region or country.

Significance of GI in rural development:

Mostly traditional products which are produced by rural communities for generations and have gained fame in the market for their precise quality get GI tags.Impact on rural development can be as follows:-

  • Preservation of traditional expertise and traditions
  • Supply chains can be built around a product’s reputation
  • Higher price for the GI product
  • Product’s natural resources or ingridents can be preserved.
  • Tourism ecosystem system can be built.

Importance of GI tag:

  • GI tags are regarded as a certification that the particular product is produced as per traditional methods and it has certain specific qualities or it has a particular reputition because of its geographical origin.

Measures taken by government to promote GI tag in India:

  • Reduced fee structure for the registration of an authorised user of a registered Geographical Indication
  • Social media campaigns launched like:
  1. Gift a GI
  2. Spot the GI
  • DPITT and CII together launched a first-of-its-kind Geographical Indication Festival of India with an aim to provide a platform for GI producers to display their product virtually.

Recently awarded GI Tags:-

  1. Harmal Chilli, Goa:- Popular for its spicy taste and high colour value. It contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium.
  2. Uttarakhand Ringal Craft, Uttarakhand:- Ringal weaving is a Nifty and age-old art. The artisans use a special species of the dwarf Ringal that grows in these areas to weave. Ringal is nearly water resistant.
  3. Munsiyari Rajma, Uttarakhand:- It is grown in high altitude, mineral rich lands of Uttarakhand and is famous for its excellent culinary properties, high nutritional value and medicinal properties.
  4. Uttarakhand Aipan, Uttarakhand:- It is an exclusive woman practised art that has its unique Identity as a painting, done on the empty walls and on the ground symbolising fortune and fertility.
  5. Kumaonchyura Oil, Uttarakhand This multipurpose, nutritious and hygienic oil is used for edible purposes and making various types of food products. Chyura is also considered as the backbone of Uttarakhand’s rural economy.
  6. Bhotia Dann,Uttrakhand:- These soft warm unique and durable hand-knotted carpets are made up of pure wool with the conventional design patterns, inspired by traditional Bhotia culture themes woven in the
    high-altitude regions of the state.
  7. Naga Cucumber, Nagaland:- It have a distinctive taste and is grown completely organically. It is low in calories but high in potassium and contains a high level of water and can be served as an alternative to sports drinks.
  8. Dallekhursani, West Bengal & Sikkim:- Red cherry pepper locally known as Dalle Khursani has the twin combination of high pungency and characteristic aroma which is grown completely in an organic way of cultivation.
  9. Mizo Ginger, Mizoram:- Famous for their high quantity of gingerol and volatile oil. This Ginger variety is produced using traditional eco-friendly, economical methods that utilizes local resources knowledge and labour.