Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: G20 New Delhi Declaration : Technological Transformation and Digital Public Infrastructure)

1. Building Digital Public Infrastructure

  • The Delhi declaration welcomed the G20 Framework for Systems of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), a voluntary and suggested framework for the development, deployment and governance of DPI.
  • The group welcomed India’s plan to build and maintain a Global Digital Public Infrastructure Repository (GDPIR), a virtual repository of DPI, voluntarily shared by G20 members and beyond.
  • The group took note of the Indian Presidency’s proposal of the One Future Alliance (OFA), a voluntary initiative aimed to build capacity, and provide technical assistance and adequate funding support for implementing DPI in LMICs.

2. Building Safety, Security, Resilience and Trust in the Digital Economy

  • The Group welcomed the non-binding G20 High-level Principles to Support Businesses in Building Safety, Security, Resilience, and Trust in the Digital Economy.
  • The G20 Toolkit on Cyber Education and Cyber Awareness of Children and Youth was also appreciated.

3. Crypto-Assets: Policy and Regulation

  • Endorse the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB’s) high-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision and oversight of crypto-assets activities and markets and of global stablecoin arrangements.

4. Central Bank Digital Currency

  • The group welcomed discussions on the potential macro-financial implications arising from the introduction and adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), notably on cross-border payments as well as on the international monetary and financial system.

5. Fostering Digital Ecosystems

  • G20 committed to promote responsible, sustainable and inclusive use of digital technology by farmers and an ecosystem of Agri-Tech start-ups and MSMEs.
  • The group welcomed the establishment of the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) within a WHO-managed framework to build a comprehensive digital health ecosystem in compliance with respective data protection regulations.

6. Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Responsibly for Good and for All

  • The declaration reaffirmed its commitment to G20 AI Principles (2019) and endeavors to share information on approaches of using AI to support solutions in the digital economy.
  • It will pursue a pro-innovation regulatory/ governance approach that maximizes the benefits and takes into account the risks associated with the use of AI.
  • It will promote responsible AI for achieving SDGs.