Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: G20 New Delhi Declaration : Strong, Sustainable, Balanced, and Inclusive Growth)

1. Global Economic Situation

  • Cascading crises have posed challenges to long-term growth. Implementation of well calibrated macroeconomic and structural policies was discussed.
  • Protecting the vulnerable, through promoting equitable growth and enhancing macroeconomic and financial stability.
  • Central bank independence is crucial to maintaining policy credibility.
  • Critical role of private enterprise in accelerating growth and sustainable economic transformations was also discussed. Work with private sector to:
  • Create inclusive, sustainable, and resilient global value chains, & support developing countries to move up the value chain.
  • Facilitate investments including FDIs towards sustainable business models.
  • Devise pipelines of investible projects in developing countries, by leveraging expertise of MDBs to mobilise investments.
  • Promote the ease & reduce the cost of doing business.

2. Unlocking Trade for Growth

  • Recognise challenges MSMEs face with respect to access to information and welcome Actions to enhance MSMEs’ access to information.
  • Welcome the adoption of G20 Generic Framework for Mapping Global Value Chains (GVC) to help members identify risks and build resilience.
  • Welcome the High-Level Principles on Digitalization of Trade Documents.
  • Work for trade and environment policies that should be mutually supportive, consistent with WTO and multilateral environmental agreements.
  • Recognize the importance of WTO’s ‘Aid for Trade’ initiative to enable developing countries, notably LDCs to effectively participate in global trade.

3. Preparing for the Future of Work

Focus is on addressing skill gaps, promoting decent work and ensuring inclusive social protection policies for all. To achieve this following has to be done:

  • Recognise the benefits of well-integrated and adequately skilled workers for both origin and destination countries are alike.
  • Effectively address global skills for sustainable and inclusive economic development.
  • To have a comprehensive toolkit designing and introducing digital upskilling and reskilling programmes.
  • Aim to achieve sustainably financed universal social protection coverage.
  • Acknowledge the economic significance and societal value of the cultural and creative sector to support inclusive growth, sustainable development and decent work.
  • Ensure adequate social protection and decent working conditions for gig and platform workers.
  • Will increase our efforts for the elimination of child labour and forced labour along global value chains.

4. Advancing Financial Inclusion

  • G20 2023 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) was endorsed.
  • Digital public infrastructure is helping to advance financial inclusion for inclusive growth and sustainable development.

5. Fighting Corruption

Three G20 Principles:

  • Strengthening Law Enforcement related International Cooperation and Information Sharing for Combating Corruption.
  • Strengthening Asset Recovery Mechanisms for Combating Corruption.
  • Promoting Integrity and Effectiveness of Public Bodies and Authorities responsible for Preventing and Combating Corruption.