Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: G20 New Delhi Declaration : Accelerating Progress on Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs)

Currently, the global progress on SDGs is off-track with only 12% of the targets on track. G20 resolved to fully and effectively implement the 2030 Agenda and accelerate progress toward the SDGs.

1. Recommitting to Achieving SDGs

  • Recognise the role of digital transformation, AI, data advances, and the need to address digital divides. Endorsement of the G20 Principles on Harnessing Data for Development (D4D).
  • Commitment towards the mobilisation of affordable, adequate and accessible financing to support developing countries for implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
  • Call upon developed countries to fully deliver on their respective ODA commitments.
  • Highlight the role of tourism and culture plays for sustainable socioeconomic development and economic prosperity.
  • To scale up sustainable finance.

2. Eliminating Hunger and Malnutrition

To enhance global food security and nutrition for all in line with the G20 Deccan High-Level Principles on Food Security and Nutrition 2023. To achieve this:

  • Encourage efforts to strengthen research cooperation on climate-resilient and nutritious grains such as millets, sorghum, and other traditional crops.
  • Emphasize the importance of increasing access to fertilizer and agricultural inputs, and to improve soil health.
  • Innovations and investments for increased agricultural productivity, reduced food loss and waste across the value chain, and improved marketing and storage.

3. Macroeconomic Impacts of Food and Energy Insecurity

  • Global food and energy prices have fallen from their peak levels, but the threats remains due to uncertainties in the global economy.
  • G20 Report on Macroeconomic Impacts of Food and Energy Insecurity and their Implications for the Global Economy is important.
  • Replenishment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) resources.

4. Strengthening Global Health and Implementing One Health Approach

  • Focus on strengthening primary health care and health workforce and improving essential health services.
  • Promote the One Health-based approach driven by the Quadripartite’s One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026).
  • Enhance the resilience of health systems and support development of climate resilient and low-carbon health systems.
  • Implement and prioritise tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) following the One Health approach, including through R&D, infection prevention and control.
  • Facilitate equitable access to safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and other medical countermeasures.
  • Recognize the potential role of evidence-based Traditional and Complementary Medicine in health.
  • Promote and improve access to mental health services and psychosocial support in an inclusive manner.

5. Delivering Quality Education

  • Recognize the importance of foundational learning (literacy, numeracy, and socioemotional skills) as the primary building block for education and employment.
  • Harness digital technologies to overcome the digital divides for all learners.
  • Extend support to educational institutions and teachers to enable them to keep pace with emerging trends and technological advances including AI.
  • Emphasize expanding access to highquality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
  • Promote open, equitable and secure scientific collaboration and encourage mobility of students, scholars, researchers, and scientists across research and higher education institutions.