Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: Election Campaigns)

Why in News?

  • Elections are going on in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur, and Goa. Elections are fought with huge funds nowadays. Estimates vary, but a candidate may spend in crores in just one constituency.

Electoral Integrity

  • Elections are the basis for democratic legitimacy.
  • They give citizens a way to hold their leaders accountable by voting contestants in to, or out of, office.
  • A credible election is one that is characterized by inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and competitiveness.

Credible elections

Credible elections are characterized by inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and competitiveness.

  • Inclusive elections provide equal opportunities for all eligible citizens to participate as voters in selecting their representatives and as candidates for election to government.
  • Elections are transparent when each step is open to scrutiny, and stakeholders can independently verify whether the process is conducted honestly and accurately.
  • Accountability in elections refers to the rights of citizens with respect to the conduct of other electoral stakeholders, including the government, election management bodies (EMBs), political parties, candidates and security forces.
  • Elections are competitive when citizens have reasonable and equitable opportunities to compete to be elected to governmental offices.

Elections are a Process

  • Elections are a process, not an event.
  • Every election comprises numerous elements and involves multiple institutions and actors throughout the pre-election, election day and post-election periods.

Open Election Data Principles

When election data is “opened up,” it can:

  • Increase the transparency of individual election processes.
  • Improve the effectiveness of an election management body
  • Increase voter participation in elections
  • Increase citizen engagement
  • Improve the inclusiveness of traditionally marginalized groups
  • Reduce tension
  • Generate new insights

Campaign Finance

  • Competitive elections require that electoral contestants have a means for financing their election campaigns and routine operations.
  • Campaign finance, an element of broader political finance, refers to all funds raised and spent in order to promote candidates, political parties or policies in elections, referendums, initiatives, party activities and party organizations.

Importance of campaign expenditures

  • Campaign expenditures generally include any expenditure for electoral purposes, monetary or in-kind, by a candidate or party during an electoral campaign.
  • Citizens can use information on campaign expenditures to make more informed choices among contestants.

Election Campaigns

  • Election campaigns are the means by which candidates and political parties prepare and present their ideas and positions on issues to the voters in the period preceding election day.
  • Contestants use a variety of techniques to reach voters and deliver their messages, including through traditional and new media, public events, written materials, or other means.

Importance of election campaigns

  • Democratic elections require an informed as well as a free vote and a fair chance for contestants to win support and motivate supporters to help them gain office.
  • Election campaigns are vital to achieving those goals.
  • Elections that are genuinely competitive offer equitable opportunities for contestants to convey their positions to citizens and compete for votes

Duty of a citizen and voter

  • First and foremost is to vote, and equally important, make an informed choice.
  • This means gathering all relevant information about the candidate, funding, spending and so on.
  • Official websites of political parties, the Election Commission and some nonpartisan NGOs have information.
  • It would also help if such information is shared widely with friends.
  • Voting for any candidate or party that spends too much should be considered very carefully.
  • It may go against the voter’s own interest.
  • Another long term solution is to fund political parties or one’s favourite candidate with small donations.