Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: Economic Survey 2022-23 - Part 5)

Government’s Vision for Infrastructure Development

Public Private Partnerships

  • In-Principal Approval granted to 56 projects with Total Project Cost of Rs. 57,870.1 crore under the VGF Scheme, from 2014-15 to 2022-23.
  • IIPDF Scheme with Rs.150 crore outlay from FY 23-25 was notified by the government on 03 November, 2022.

National Infrastructure Pipeline

  • 89,151 projects costing Rs.141.4 lakh crore under different stages of implementation
  • 1009 projects worth Rs.5.5 lakh crore completed
  • NIP and Project Monitoring Group (PMG) portal linkage to fast-track approvals/clearances for projects National Monetisation Pipeline
  • Rs. 9.0 lakh crore is the estimated cumulative investment potential.
  • Rs. 0.9 lakh crore monetisation target achieved against expected Rs.0.8 lakh crore in FY22.
  • FY23 target is envisaged to be Rs.1.6 lakh crore (27% of overall NMP Target)


  • PM GatiShakti National Master Plan creates comprehensive database for integrated planning and synchronised implementation across Ministries/ Departments.
  • Aims to improve multimodal connectivity and logistics efficiency while addressing the critical gaps for the seamless movement of people and goods.

Making Indian Logistics Globally Competitive

  • National Logistics Policy envisions to develop a technologically enabled, integrated, costefficient, resilient, sustainable and trusted logistics ecosystem in the country for accelerated and inclusive growth.
  • Rapid increase in National Highways (NHs) /Roads Construction with 10457 km NHs/roads constructed in FY22 compared to 6061 km in FY16.
  • Budget expenditure increased from Rs.1.4 lakh crore in FY20 to Rs.2.4 lakh crore in FY23 giving renewed push to Capital expenditure.
  • 2359 Kisan rails transported approximately 7.91 lakh tonnes of perishables, as of October 2022.
  • More than one crore air passengers availed the benefit of the UDAN scheme since its inception in 2016.
  • Near doubling of capacity of major ports in 8 years.
  • Inland Vessels Act 2021 replaced 100-year-old Act to ensure hassle free movement of Vessels promoting Inland Water Transport.

India’s Digital Public Infrastructure

Unified Payment Interface (UPI)

  • UPI-based transactions grew in value (121 per cent) and volume (115 per cent) terms, between 2019-22, paving the way for its international adoption.

Telephone and Radio-For Digital Empowerment

  • Total telephone subscriber base in India stands at 117.8 crore (as of Sept,22), with 44.3 per cent of subscribers in rural India.
  • More than 98 per cent of the total telephone subscribers are connected wirelessly.
  • The overall tele-density in India stood at 84.8 per cent in March 22.
  • 200 per cent increase in rural internet subscriptions between 2015 and 2021.

Digital Public Goods

  • Achieved low-cost accessibility since the launch of Aadhaar in 2009
  • Under the government schemes, MyScheme, TrEDS, GEM, e-NAM, UMANG has transformed market place and has enabled citizens to access services across sectors
  • Under Account Aggregator, the consentbased data sharing framework is currently live across over 110 crore bank accounts.
  • Open Credit Enablement Network aims towards democratising lending operations while allowing end-to-end digital loan applications