Current Affairs Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: ASEEM Portal)

Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Current Affairs Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Topic: ASEEM Portal

ASEEM Portal

Why in News?

  • In an endeavour to improve the information flow and bridge the demand-supply gap in the skilled workforce market, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has launched ‘Aatamanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping (ASEEM)’ portal to help skilled people find sustainable livelihood opportunities.

About Portal

  • ASEEM is developed and managed by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) in collaboration with Bengaluru-based company Betterplace, specialising in blue collar employee management.It aims at supporting decision and policymaking via trends and analytics generated by the system for programmatic purposes.
  • The initiative also aims to accelerate India’s journey towards recovery by mapping skilled workforce and connecting them with relevant livelihood opportunities in their local communities especially in the post COVID era.
  • It shall help in providing real-time data analytics to NSDC and its Sector Skill Councils about the demand and supply patterns including - industry requirements, skill gap analysis, demand per district/ state/cluster, key workforce suppliers, key consumers, migration patterns and multiple potential career prospects for candidates.
  • The portal consists of three IT based interfaces - ( Employer Portal – Employer on boarding, Demand Aggregation, candidate selection. ( Dashboard – Reports, Trends, analytics, and highlight gaps. ( Candidate Application – Create & Track candidate profile, share job suggestion.
  • The portal and App will have provision for registration and data upload for workers across job roles, sectors and geographies.

Significance of ASEEM

  • ASEEM is a Skill Management Information System. ASEEM will be used as a match-making engine to map skilled workers with the jobs available.
  • The skilled workforce can register their profiles on the app and can search for employment opportunities in their neighbourhood. Through ASEEM, employers, agencies and job aggregators looking for skilled workforce in specific sectors will also have the required details at their fingertips. It will also enable policymakers take more objective view of various sectors.
  • Besides identifying major skills gap in the sectors and providing review of global best practices, ASEEM will provide employers a platform to assess the availability of skilled workforce and formulate their hiring plans.
  • ASEEM refers to all the data, trends and analytics which describe the workforce market and map demand of skilled workforce to supply. 4. Benefits for Stakeholders
  • Skilled Candidates ( Optical Character (OCR) based automated profile building, It helps to find jobs best matched with skillset & interests ( Linking jobs essentials like bank a/c, vehicle & other benefits while finding work etc.
  • Employers, Agencies & Aggregators ( Helps to assess demand creation based on role, location, skills etc ( Data Sorting: access, search, filter & save curated candidates, Campaign management to hire select candidates ( End to end fulfilment at scale at disruptive pricing.
  • Training Partners ( Provides assured placements for their skilled candidates, Clear demand visibility to train candidates right ( Training centres becoming mini-experience centres, A significantly higher potential to earn and grow.