Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: Agalega Island)

Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Current Affairs Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination

Topic: Agalega Island

Agalega Island

Why in News?

  • The Island of Agalega located in the Indian Ocean is being rapidly transformed into a strategic outpost by the Indian Army. The island has been leased by Mauritius to the Indian Army.

About Agalega Island

  • Agalega Island is an outlying island of Mauritius located in the Indian Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers (620 mi) north of Mauritius.
  • Mauritius has leased the Indian Army to develop Agalega Island as a strategic outpost.

Strategic Importance of Agalega Island

  • India received the Island of Agalega from Mauritius in 2015 to develop it as an air and naval base to monitor the southwestern Indian Ocean.
  • India is developing its military base here, similar to other countries like UK-US military base Diego Garcia.
  • A military base at Agalega Island will strengthen India's hold in the Indian Ocean region.
  • With the increasing hold of neighboring country China in the Indian Ocean, there are increasing challenges for India, so it can become a major strategic advantage for India.
  • India is pursuing development activities in the island at a very fast pace. In this military base to be built in Mauritius, India can deploy its fleet of naval P-8I aircraft through which Chinese activities can be controlled in the southwestern Indian Ocean.
  • From here India can operate joint patrolling with France (Reunion Island).
  • This military base will also facilitate maritime patrols on the Mozambique Channel to India, which is a popular route for large commercial vessels, especially oil tankers.
  • This military base will enable the Indian Navy to inspect shipping routes around southern Africa, these routes are responsible for a significant portion of China's energy imports.
  • In addition, the island will provide a useful location for communications and electronic intelligence facilities.
  • Agalega military base as a whole will strengthen India's presence in the southwestern Indian Ocean and shape the vision of the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR).

About SAGAR Vision

  • SAGAR is India’s policy or doctrine of maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region, launched in 2015.
  • Under the SAGAR vision, India is also trying to ensure peace, stability and prosperity in the Indian Ocean region.
  • One of the objectives of this policy is to advance the blue economy along with the small and insular countries of the Indian Ocean.

About Mauritius

  • Mauritius is an island country in the African continent located in the Indian Ocean and is also a member of the African Union.
  • It has a population of about 12.8 lakhs of which about 48% people are followers of Hindu religion.
  • The capital of Mauritius is Port Louis and the currency here is the Mauritius Rupee.