Brain Booster for UPSC & State PCS Examination (Topic: Aspirational Blocks Programme : National Skill Development Mission)

1. About the Mission

The National Skill Development Mission was officially launched by the Prime Minister on 15/07/2015 on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day. The Mission has been developed to create convergence across sectors and States in terms of skill training activities. To achieve the vision of ‘Skilled India’, NSDM would not only consolidate and coordinate skilling efforts, but also expedite decision making across sectors to achieve skilling at scale with speed and standards.

2. Seven sub-missions have been proposed initially to act as building blocks for achieving overall objectives of the Mission.

  • Institutional Training,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Convergence,
  • Trainers,
  • Overseas Employment,
  • Sustainable Livelihoods,
  • Leveraging Public Infrastructure.

3. Mission Statement

To rapidly scale up skill development efforts in India, by creating an end-to-end, outcome- focused implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers for a well- trained skilled workforce with aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods.

4. Concerned Ministry

It has been implemented through a streamlined institutional mechanism driven by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).

5. Institutional Mechanisms

Key institutional mechanisms for achieving the objectives of the Mission have been divided into three tiers.

  • Governing Council for policy guidance at apex level
  • Steering Committee
  • Mission Directorate

Mission Directorate has been supported by three other institutions:

  • National Skill Development Agency (NSDA),
    • The NSDA focuses on policy research via National Skills Research Division, quality assurance and implementation of quality standards across all skilling agencies.
    • It develops protocols for training and accreditations for private trainers, etc.
  • National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
    • NSDC overlooks training, capacity building aspects of trainers, both public and private, lead the engagement with industries, drive the sectors skills councils.
  • Directorate General of Training (DGT)
    • The DGT maintains the skill training structures of Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs), Regional Vocational Training Institute (RVTIs) and other such institutes.
    • It advises on training policies, trains instructors, provides technical support, runs women-centric training institutes, etc.